New Year's Eve

Whether on the first day of the year, or the last, 

You are a never-ending provider of new beginnings and fresh starts.  Hallelujah.  

For Annual Conference

Grant your continuing grace, we pray, to all who lead your church,  that they may, with courage, humility and faithfulness, 

attend to the work you have placed before them…

Summer/Pentecost/Memorial Day/All The Things

We long to feel that rush of Holy wind blowing in our lives, 

knowing with all our heart, soul, mind and strength that you are God and that we are living in the flow of your love for us.  

Break through our distractions and our resistance, that we might be truly yours - 

courageous in love, free from bitterness, eager to forgive, 

at peace with our neighbors and with ourselves. 

Child of the Light/Prayers of the People

You set the stars to light the night, and sent Jesus to shine in our hearts.  

And yet this world we live in still feels scary, desperate, angry, and unpredictable.  

We try to save ourselves through power, control, wealth, and popularity.  

They fail us, every time.